—Sam, Montreal QC
About the Film
Join the crew of a giant freight train for an eye-popping, music-infused journey across America. Giant diesels, spectacular terrain, tens of thousands of miles of track—and millions of pounds of freight that can’t wait.
Created by the director of the celebrated IMAX® Experience Rocky Mountain Express and his team, Train Time is captured on 15/70mm motion picture film, the world’s largest film format for exhibition in IMAX® and other giant screen theaters.
To deliver the cargo, Train Time propels audiences through the rugged beauty and vastness of the American landscape, revealing the brutal challenges of railroading, as well as secrets of the art and science of running the greatest trains. Weaving together present-tech and racing steam locomotives, grit, glamour and glorious landscapes, Train Time immerses viewers in a grand tapestry of American railroading.
Climb aboard for the biggest adventure on wheels.
Gallery: In the Film
Where to see Train Time
Climb Aboard! Train Time has launched and is opening progressively in IMAX® theaters and other giant screen theaters theaters across North America and internationally. Below are links to exhibiting theaters. Actual schedules may vary. Check your local theater for exact dates and showtimes.
Current and Future Engagements
Austin, TX—Bullock Texas State History Museum; January 2, 2024 – June 31, 2025 (extended). https://www.thestoryoftexas.com/visit/see-films
Birmingham, AL—McWane Science Center; November 15, 2023 - February 28, 2026. https://www.mcwane.org
Boston, MA—Museum of Science; November 18, 2023 - January 20, 2026 (return engagement). https://www.mos.org/
Davenport IA—Putnam Museum of Science; opens June 22, 2024 - June 21, 2025. https://www.putnam.org/
Dearborn, MI—The Henry Ford; January 24th, 2025, - January 23rd, 2026. https://www.thehenryford.org/
Hastings, NE—Hastings Museum; October 5, 2023 - May 31, 2025 (extended). https://hastingsmuseum.org
Portland, OR—Oregon Museum of Science and Industry; October 27, 2023 - May 31, 2025 (extended). https://omsi.edu/
San Diego, CA—Fleet Science Center; November 5, 2022 - December 21, 2025 (extended—school screenings only). https://www.fleetscience.org
Shreveport, LA—Sci-Port Discovery Center; March 6, 2024 – April 8, 2025. https://sci-port.org
St. Louis, MO—Saint Louis Science Center; October 11, 2024 - June 30, 2025. https://www.slsc.org/explore/omnimax-theater/
Past Engagements
Charlotte, NC—Discovery Place Science; September 9, 2023 - June 20, 2024. https://discoveryplace.org/things-to-do/imax/train-time/
Galveston, TX—Moody Gardens; November 19, 2022 - December 31, 2023. https://www.moodygardens.com
Hartford, CT—Connecticut Science Center; November 2, 2022 - December 31, 2023. https://ctsciencecenter.org
Kansas City, MO—Union Station, Kansas City MO; Re-starts July 15, 2023 - September 4, 2023. https://unionstation.org
Peoria, IL— Riverwalk Museum; February 4, 2023 - June 19, 2023. https://www.peoriariverfrontmuseum.org
Pittsburgh, PA—Carnegie Science Center; September 3, 2022 - May 12, 2023. https://carnegiesciencecenter.org
Salt Lake City, UT—Clark Planetarium (IMAX Theater); November 18, 2023 - December 31, 2024. https://slco.org/clark-planetarium/shows/?th=imax
Seattle, WA—Pacific Science Center; June 30, 2023 - June 30, 2024. https://pacificsciencecenter.org/visit/imax/
Sioux Falls, SD—Washington Pavilion/Kirby Science Discovery Center; September 30, 2022 - May 30, 2023. https://www.washingtonpavilion.org/attractions/movies
Past Engagements
Edmonton, AB—TELUS World of Science—exhibition completed June 15, 2022. https://telusworldofscienceedmonton.ca
Victoria, BC — IMAX Victoria at the Royal BC Museum; September, 2022 - December 31, 2022. https://imaxvictoria.com
What audiences are saying…
—Natasha, Columbia MO
—Kyler, age 15, Columbia MO
—Dane, age 38, Edmonton AB
“Train Time is a completely compelling work, a visual and sonic tour de train. The footage was truly amazing, fantastic and a finely crafted storyline, finely-polished juggernaut. I see it as a total film.”
—Karl Mohr, age 56, Toronto ON
—Chris Kipp, age 40, Pittsburgh PA

“The experience out-lived the film.”
—Paul Springkowski, Cleveland OH
—Sam, age 30, Montreal QC
—David, Levittown PA
—Taylor, age 21, Cleveland OH
—Anonymous viewer, Victoria BC

—Matt Ahlenius, McPherson KS
—Rob Amyot, age 32, Montreal QC
—Janet, Kansas City MO
—Dan, age 52, North Bay ON
—Rita, age 72, Ile Bizzard QC
—Pat, age 47, Montreal QC
—Leslie, school teacher, Marietta GA
—Helena, age 22, Cleveland OH
—Norman, age 38
—Ellena & Riley, Boston MA
—Egidio Vincelli, age 74; Quebec Artist
—Corey, Edmonton AB
—Ian, age 32
—Sharon, age 78. Newton Centre MA
—Michelle Bannasch, San Diego CA
—Chris, age 40, Pittsburgh PA
—John & Eva Bristol, Victoria BC
—Dr Todd McConnell, age 70, Montreal QC
—Keith and Jean Mercer, Kearney MO
—Justin Davis, Pittsburgh PA
—Bob Leilich, The Woodlands TX
What giant screen theaters are saying…
“Train Time is a cinematic masterpiece that captivates audiences and tells a great story. People often come to see the film after their friends tell them how much they enjoyed it. School groups really like it too. …Train Time… is the best film in our rotation.”
“Train Time has been a hit with our guests, and a wonderful film for families. The explanation of how the network of trains is tracked is particularly fascinating. Filmed for the giant screen with a thematically appropriate soundtrack gives audiences a 45-minute experience on the railways around the country.”
“The allure of trains is timeless. Young and old are excited about the show, and we’ve had several people travel hours to come see it. Trains are often thought of with nostalgia, but I’ve been pleasantly surprised by the number of young children who are mesmerized by the show and light up at the mere mention of trains.”
Discovery Place, Charlotte, NC
“Train Time is beautifully crafted and brings back the nostalgic past of how IMAX films used to be made. It is definitely a treat that the whole family can enjoy.
“Train Time opened at IMAX® Victoria on September on 9, 2022 and has since been coined by our team as the little film that could. In its first two months, this film outperformed all other titles on our regular schedule and saw a high number of repeat visitors. This has been one of our most popular titles and is a film loved by all ages. Well done for striking that perfect balance!
“Grandparents have returned with their grandchildren to bond over their love of trains, while children in turn revisit the film with their parents to share in their newfound passion – freight trains! The film has a unique ability to unite generations. Younger audiences were drawn to the breathtaking landscapes, opening scene with the model railway set and the lively soundtrack. Those less passionate about trains were impressed with the storytelling and cinematography. And any train enthusiast was of course captivated by every aspect of the film.”
TELUS World of Science, Edmonton
“Without a doubt, one of the best looking IMAX films I’ve ever seen! Train Time was enthusiastically embraced by our audience with the film scoring highly in exit surveys. It’s a film with wide appeal that has something for everyone.
“Time after time Stephen has shown he is a master at taking audiences to places that the public rarely sees, and doing it on the world’s largest screens makes it all the more impactful. Train Time is another worthy addition to his legacy.”
“Train Time offers our audiences such a unique window into the fascinating legacy that is the American railroad industry. We love how it takes a deep dive and showcases the science – particularly, the complexity and interconnectedness of so many of its moving parts – all while using real voices from within the industry to highlight the wide variety of roles, skills, and people that it takes to keep the system running.”
“Train Time offers fascinating perspectives on careers in the modern-day railroad industry that are surprisingly STEM-oriented and that are accessible to people who are not typically represented. The movie shows women and women of color in positions often assumed are only held by men. The icing on the cake is the beautiful scenery and storytelling.”
In the Media
https://www.trains.com/ (External link; opens in new window)

https://nextpittsburgh.com/kidsburgh-pittsburgh/farewell-summer-10-september-events-for-kids-in-pittsburgh/ (External link; opens in new window).
(External link; opens in new window).
“For Harshaw, ‘Train Time’ fits in perfectly with the sort of films he seeks for extended runs in the Science Center’s Rangos Giant Cinema. He loves how it both highlights STEM-related jobs available to railroad enthusiasts and ties into a permanent Science Center exhibit like its miniature railroad.”
“Railroading is a fairly secretive world” (observes filmmaker Stephen Low). “BNSF has kindly thrown the doors open and let us film the intimacy of railroading. It’s really a unique perspective because of that access. You’re going to see railroading like you’ve never seen it before.” (Excerpts)
https://www.pittsburghmagazine.com/all-aboard-a-new-imax-feature-and-a-u-s-premiere-at-the-carnegie-science-center/ (External link; opens in new window).
www.triblive.com, Sept 2, 2022. 5 things to do in Pittsburgh this weekend: Sept. 2-5.
https://triblive.com/lifestyles/more-lifestyles/5-things-to-do-in-pittsburgh-this-weekend-sept-2-5/ (External link; opens in new window).
“…showcases the heritage and the evolving role of railroading, along with a Black female train conductor in an industry that is perceived to be dominated by men. It highlights the beauty, vastness and diversity of the American landscape and how railroads remain a backbone of modern civilization while adapting to meet the challenges of the environment. (Excerpt)
https://www.victoriabuzz.com/2022/09/train-time-is-the-newest-featured-short-film-at-the-royal-bc-museums-imax-victoria/ (External link; opens in new window).
Making the Film
Behind-the-scenes on Train Time
Train Time (working title) is a massive and unique effort that promises audiences a giant screen experience unlike anything yet seen. Filmed with railway cooperation, the giant screen documentary will offer up a remarkable behind-the-scenes and immersive ‘being-there’ perspective of railroading.
Principal photography for the Train Time project includes a wide range of onboard and trackside filming, yard operations and aerial shooting—including multiple seasons and regions.
Now complete, principal photography for the Train Time project began in mid-July of 2015 with 6 days (July 16-21, 2015) of aerial filming. Working with a gyrostabilized Spacecam-equipped helicopter, crew and director filmed 15/70 motion picture aerial views of train operations and spectacular western landscapes spanning from Los Angeles to Seattle. Shots included trains in California on the Cajon Pass, in Tehachapi and Central Valley as well as stunning views of trains passing at gorges near the Columbia River between The Dalles and Bend in Washington and Oregon states.
Major filming was undertaken beginning early June, 2016 with IMAX camera coverage of a 5,000+ mile journey by rail—from Kansas to Los Angeles, California, from L.A. to Seattle, WA and back through the Rockies and plains to Kansas City. Winter shooting was undertaken in Montana in February 2017 with coverage of storm conditions and snow removal operations. Additional aerial photography, control center operations and locomotive onboard photography was undertaken through early 2019.
Check out this article “Behind the Scenes of Stephen Low’s Train Time“ (opens pdf in new window) from the giant screen industry publication LF Examiner. The article features interviews by giant screen specialist Diane Carlson with Director/Producer Stephen Low.

producers and distributors of the giant screen experience
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